The STEP Your Missing To Get More Consistency Out of AI

AI Fundamentals Course Links: 

  1. Marketer's Guide to Advanced Prompt Engineering
  2. The STEP You're Missing To Get More Consistency Out of AI
  3. The Marketer's Guide to Chain Prompting with AI
  4. My Process For Crafting Custom GPTs
  5. 10x Your Output With Robust Custom GPTs

In this episode, Dan Sanchez dives deeper into the STEP method, a unique strategy he developed to enhance AI utilization in content creation. Focusing specifically on transforming podcast transcripts into compelling LinkedIn posts, Dan walks us through the practical application of each element—Starter content, Template, Example, and Prompt—and shows a real-time example of how these components blend to improve AI outputs. If you're looking to get more from AI in your content strategies, this episode offers a clear, innovative approach. Tune in for invaluable techniques that could revolutionize your content repurposing efforts.


00:00 Sanchez shares AI journey and fundamentals mastery.

03:41 AI repurposes content effectively through templates and examples.

07:11 Simplified instructions for expert sales coaching.

10:19 Improving LinkedIn post chain, stay tuned.